• Activity

  • Season

  • Age Group

  • Driving Skill

  • Type

  • Category

16-90 years Next season - exclusiv ski 16-90 years Exclusiv ski 12-90 years Premium ski 18-90 years Basic ski 1-17 years Youth ski 1-15 years Kids premium ski 1-15 years Kids basic ski 1-90 years Touring skis and accessories 16-90 years Freestyle ski 16-90 years Freeride ski 16-90 years Premium snowboard 18-90 years Basic snowboard 16-17 years Youth snowboard 1-15 years Kids snowboard 1-90 years Splitboard 1-90 years Cross-country skiing set "classic" 16-90 years Cross-country set "skating" 16-90 years Premium ski boot 16-90 years Basic ski boot 1-15 years Kids ski boot 16-90 years Ski touring boot 16-90 years Softboot 1-15 years Softboot 16-90 years Ski and board helmet 1-15 years Ski and board helmet 1-90 years Protector 16-90 years Safety package for everyone! Mountain buggy for everyone! Back carrier 1-90 years Wooden sledge 1-90 years Snowshoes 1-90 years Ski and boot depot 1-90 years Trekking and touring poles 5-11 years Ski course package 3 days - 5 to 11 years 5-11 years Ski course package 5 days - 5 to 11 years 5-11 years Ski course package 6 days - 5-11 years 12-15 years Ski course package 3 days - 12 to 15 years 12-15 years Ski course package 5 days - 12 to 15 years 12-15 years Ski course package 6 days - 12 to 15 years for everyone! Standard service ski for everyone! Race full service for everyone! Standard service cross-country skating for everyone! Standard service classic cross-country skiing for everyone! Top service board for everyone! Standard service board for everyone! Top service ski for everyone! Bike check for everyone! Shopping voucher "25 €" for everyone! Shopping voucher "50 €" for everyone! Shopping voucher "100 €" Vintages 1920-2024 Kessler night skiing ticket 10-90 years Premium e-bike 10-90 years e-bike 10-15 years Kids e-bike 16-90 years Bike helmet 1-15 years Kids bike-helmet 16-90 years Via ferrata set 1-15 years Via ferrata set 1-90 years Bike depot 8-99 years E-mountain bike tour in the morning (3h) 8-99 years E-mountain bike tour in the afternoon (3h) 8-99 years E-mountain bike tour all day (6h)

Let's go!

Your shopping cart is empty. Start by booking a product of your choice. Our dialogue and configuration system will help you with all the necessary details

If you have any questions, our FAQ may be able to help you. Alternatively, you can of course contact us at any time.



Are you ready? Can we get started?

To make your experience and/or holiday unique, we have put together some useful information and tips about your arrival, picking up your rental equipment and your entire stay. 

Our aim is to give you the best possible adventure in the mountains. And this is only possible with the right rental sports equipment, your proper tour guide and lots of little tips on equipment and refreshment stops. 

Let's get started with the latest weather & mountain sports report - EXPERIENCE START IN KLEINWALSERTAL


Good to know

Everything you need for a smooth pick-up

As you have booked your rental online, you benefit from faster collection on site. We have already entered your details in the system, you don't have to register at the check-in terminal and the items you want are already reserved in your size. We are prepared for your individual needs. We will advise you on site and take measurements, e.g. when choosing your ski boots.

As a service, we offer you the option of collecting your hire items the day before from 3.00 p.m. and will not charge you any extra. If you would like a specific ski model, our hire team will be happy to advise you at the desk.

  • You always need your booking confirmation, whether digital or printed.

    If you are using your own relevant equipment, please bring this with you (e.g. ski boots) so that we can make the appropriate adjustments to the hire items. 

    You will receive the booking confirmation directly after the online booking to the e-mail address you have provided.

  • Collection before the first day of hire is possible for some hire items. We will inform you of this in the booking section of the respective item when you book online. These items can then be collected before the first day of hire from 3 pm, provided you have selected collection the day before when booking. 

  • No. It is sufficient if you have the booking confirmation with you in digital form.

  • We always keep our rental equipment up to date. We can therefore not guarantee that you will receive exactly the same equipment as last year. However, if you book the same product category again, you will receive a comparable item.

Our tip: Optimally insured

If you have not yet booked online, you can decide on site and in addition to your booking to insure your hire items. In co-operation with the DSV, we offer suitable insurance for skis and snowboards. For a reasonable €30, your items are insured against theft and breakage. Just ask on site, we will be happy to advise you!

  • This DSV rent insurance can only be taken out directly when booking a rental from a sports retailer and includes the following benefits. Insurance cover is provided for breakage and theft of skis/snowboards with bindings, ski poles, ski helmets, touring accessories (skins, crampons) when used by the insured person. Insurance cover for ski theft also exists in front of the ski hut from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.; between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. only when stored in a fixed room or in a locked car. Reimbursement is up to the amount of the purchase price (max. € 2,500)! The insurance cover starts on the first day of hire and runs for 1 year. It then expires automatically. In the sports shop where the DSV Rent was taken out, any number of rental transactions are included in the premium year. Repairable damage is covered by this insurance without a deductible (scratches in the base/surface, scratched edges, etc.). Source: DSV/ Status 10/2023.

  • This protection fee is compulsory (obligatory) for all skis/snowboards or cross-country skis (does not apply if insurance including theft protection is chosen!). If the rented item is damaged beyond repair on return, a deductible of 20% of the current value will be charged and is due immediately (e.g. broken edge, edge bent by hitting a stone or similar, base completely damaged down to the carrier laminate, sidewall broken, ski bent or broken, pole broken, etc.). Repairable damage is covered by this protection fee without deductible (scratches in the base/surface, scratched edges, etc.).



Save yourself the hassle of lugging around!

Even though our shop is centrally located on the bus route, it's convenient if you don't have to carry your skis or board to your accommodation. Your equipment is in good hands in our heated depots. You step into warm, dry shoes or boots in the morning.  Your plus: Your equipment is safely stored - you are spared the hassle of theft or ski replacement.

You can book the depot online in advance, which will ensure that one is reserved for you. Alternatively, you can also decide in favour of it on site if there is still space available. 

  • Wir können den Zugang zu Deinem Depot auf beliebig viele Zugangskarten bzw. Skipässe buchen.

    Es passen bis zu zwei Ausrüstungen (Ski/Boards, Schuhe und Helme) in einen Depotschrank. 

  • Nein. Das Depot ist aus Sicherheitsgründen nur zwischen 8:00 Uhr und 18.00 Uhr geöffnet.

    An Tagen, an denen das Nachtskifahren am Kesslerlift stattfindet, schließt das Depot eine halbe Stunde nach Schließung des Lifts.

  • Nein. Die Depots sind leider nicht für Langlauf-Ausrüstung geeignet.

  • Ja. An Tagen an denen das Nachtskifahren am Kesslerlift stattfindet, schließt das Depot eine halbe Stunde nach Schließung des Lifts.

Ski passes: single and multi-day tickets

You can't stand freezing at the lift ticket office?

You can easily get your ski pass from us. Simply book here in advance - and you'll be on the slopes faster than ever on your ski day.


Ski and boot depot

You can store your skis, snowboard, boots and helmet in the heated ski depot. One storage locker is designed for two pieces of equipment.

Our ski depot is open all winter - and equipped with a modern entry system.

Thanks to its central location next to the Kanzelwandbahn and right next to the Kessler lift, it's just a short walk away.




Test skis, swap boards, resharpen

The boot you have chosen is pinching? Not quite getting on with the ski? That's no problem with us. Within your booked category, you can swap equipment at any time, subject to availability. 

Your own skis, board or boots? 

Come on, be honest: you may bring your own equipment, but have you taken good care of it throughout the rest of the year?  Especially at the start of the new season, it makes sense to have an expert look at your equipment. Are the bindings still correctly adjusted to your size and weight? Are the edges of your skis or board still sharp?

  • You can also change our winter equipment during the hire period if alternative items are available. If you also change the product category, you may receive a refund or have to make an additional payment. It is not possible to switch between all categories. 

    Changing bikes is not normally possible due to very limited availability.

  • In principle, we always try to make an exchange possible for our winter items. Please note, however, that costs may be incurred:

    The exchange of items in the same category - e.g. if you need a different ski item within the exclusive ski category - is included in the normal booking. Also included is the exchange between items in different categories that belong to the same sport (e.g. skiing), e.g. from premium skis to exclusive skis. Here you only have to pay the category surcharge. Conversely, you will of course also receive a refund if you downgrade.

    By booking an exchange package, you can switch freely between snowboard and ski equipment and vice versa during your hire period without the scale price starting again on the first day. You may only have to pay a price increase if you upgrade the category (e.g. from Basic to Premium).

    Skis or snowboards cannot be exchanged for cross-country skiing equipment. Cross-country skiing equipment and snowshoes are therefore not included in the exchange package and must be paid for separately.

    The exchange of bikes is normally not possible due to very limited availability.


  • Don't panic!

    Fortunately, ski thefts don't happen often in Kleinwalsertal. On the other hand, rental skis are often swapped.
    If your skis have gone missing, it's best to come to our shop as soon as possible. We will clarify all further steps with you on site.

    Please note that we cannot insure theft via the nominal fee. You can insure your hire skis against theft via the DSV insurance, which we also offer you with your booking.

  • You can bring the winter rental items to us for waxing at any time during the hire period. We recommend waxing the skis and boards after four days at the latest.
    Other services may be subject to a charge.

  • We sell skis and bikes from our hire range.

    Did you like your hire item? Ask us in the shop whether your desired item is currently for sale.

    Do you already know that you want to buy a hire item? It's best to ask at the start of the hire period whether an item is available for you that is also for sale.

  • When and how often a ski service should be carried out depends on how often you use your skis. We recommend a service every 10 days at the latest to ensure optimum edge grip, but at least one service per season.

  • The binding should be checked at the start of each season, i.e. at least once a year.

  • You can find our current service prices here.

  • Our ski service is there for you in the main winter season from 2 to 6 pm.

    However, you can drop off your skis in our shop in advance during our shop opening hours. 

  • You can find all the information you need on our ski service page.

  • A ski service is always completed by the morning of the following day in the high season. In the low season (from around mid-October to mid-December) the service takes place two days a week.

  • We offer a pit stop. You can leave your skis with us for service until the next morning and receive a rental ski for the day.
    You can find the current prices for the pit stop here.



Skischule Seite-Egg

Walserstraße 75
6991 Riezlern

Map of the slopes?




Alpine skiing range

Are you looking for the right skis, fashionable and functional clothing or cool board clothing?

No problem, you've come to the right place. Click through our range, be inspired and get advice from our team on site.


Endurance - ski touring, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing

You'll find the right piece of fabric for your ski tour, your lap on the cross-country ski trail or your relaxed hike through the winter wonderland. For sure!


Too short at the front? Too tight overall? Or do you need help finding the right entry point?

No problem: we'll find the right shoe for you or fix any problem areas.

Depending on the season, we are there for you MO-SO 09:00 am-12:00 pm and 02:00 pm -04:00 pm . It's best to make an appointment in advance.


Depending on the season, we offer daily appointments between 9 am & 12 pm and 2 pm & 4 pm



Biohotel Oswalda Hus

Leo-Müller-Straße 11
6991 Riezlern

Genuss- und Aktivhotel Sonnenburg

Außerschwende 21
6991 Riezlern

Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen

Walserstraße 264
6992 Hirschegg

Any questions?

Here you'll find the answers!

The ski goes on without you after you push it, the beginners from the ski course overtake you on the glide paths, or you suddenly find yourself standing next to the piste because your ski can no longer make the usual turn?

Your skis are ready for a service ....


From mid-December:
daily from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm
(in the workshop from 3.00 pm)

Pre-season (October / November):
every Thursday or Friday

Do you still have questions about your booking, your rental, our services or products?

Our FAQ section will help you - we have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers for you here.


Would you like to make a suggestion or criticism, but prefer to do so in person?

We are available for you in a variety of ways during our opening hours.


Opening Hours


08:30-12:30 o'clock and 14:00-18:00 o'clock

one moment please...